Teachers: Jobs opportunity at St Magreth


Nafasi za kazi!

Shule ya awali na msingi ya St. Magreth iliyopo Kimara, Dar es Salaam inahitaji mwalimu wa somo la Kiswahili.

Awe na uzoefu wa kufundisha madarasa ya mitihani. Kwa mawasiliano, piga simu namba




St Magreth Primary School is registered by the Ministry of Education, science and technology. The school is located at Ubungo Municipal Council in Dar Es Salaam region, Tanzania. The section that follows will give comprehensive details about St. Magreth Primary School apart from contacts details, you will find a section about St. Magreth Primary School where you have a chance to view St. Magreth Primary School performance in NECTA examinations results for standard four and Standard seven, School ranking etc.

What is the St. Magreth Primary School ?

  • The school accommodates a multi-cultural combination of pupils from various villages, and religious and ethnic backgrounds in Ubungo Municipal Council,Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania.
  • The St. Magreth Primary Schoolaims at providing quality education and promoting the improvement of academic standards, development and welfare of the school
  • St. Magreth Primary School provides excellent and maximum discipline for the pupils. To pass out children who are capable and able to peruse education to the next stages of education.

Before we get started let me explain briefly about Primary Education in Tanzania;

Primary Education system in Tanzania

  • Primary Education is a right for all children in Tanzania and so is fee-free and compulsory. The Tanzanian education system consists of 2 years of pre-primary education (5-6 years) and 7 years of primary education (7 -13 years).
  • The Government is the largest provider of both pre-primary (Year I & II) and primary education (Standard I – VII) in Tanzania accounting for 95% and 97% of enrolment respectively in 2012.
  • The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) marks the end of the primary education cycle and is used as the base for pupils to join the secondary education cycle.

Contact Details for St. Magreth Primary School

Physical Address for St. Magreth Primary School

District :Ubungo Municipal Council

Region :Dar Es Salaam

Country :Tanzania

Center Number: PS0204120

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